5 Signs That You Might Be Pregnant

5 Signs That You Might Be Pregnant

Think you might be pregnant or trying for a baby?

Here are 5 signs that you might be pregnant:

Skipped period

The most common sign of pregnancy is missing a period. If you are a person that has a regular period and you miss one then it is a good idea to do a pregnancy test, especially if trying for a baby.

Comprehensive pregnancy care


They call it morning sickness but often sickness can be any time of the day and can occur very early in pregnancy. Eat small meals frequently, or drink ginger tea to begin with – and if it turns out you are pregnant, have a chat to your Obstetrician if you have severe sickness and they will be able to give suggestions as well as medication if needed.

Hyperemesis gravidarum

Tender breasts

One early sign of pregnancy is tender breasts, including the nipple area – this is caused by increased blood flowing to your chest area. It is perfectly normal and many women experience it.

Breasts can becomes sore during pregnancy

The need to go to the toilet often

After the embryo has implanted itself into the uterus, the body produces hCG hormone which releases progesterone and oestrogen into the body. All of this makes you feel the need to go the the toilet more frequently. This again is fairly common in early pregnancy – of course as your pregnancy progresses the need to go to the toilet increases!

Frequent urination is common during pregnancy

Extreme Tiredness

Extreme fatigue is a common side affect of the first trimester. This occurs because of the body basically working hard to ensure that your baby is on track to fully develop over the next 9 months.

Enjoy the pregnancy

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