Diabetic Educator

Gestational diabetes can affect 3-8% of all pregnancies, and usually develops at around 24-28 weeks gestation, but can develop earlier in some women.

Some women are at increased risk for developing gestational diabetes.  Some risk factors include:

  • Age over 30 years
  • Family history of type 2 diabetes
  • Overweight
  • Indigenous Australian or Torres strait islander background
  • Vietnamese, Chinese, Middle Eastern, Polynesian or Melanesian background
  • History of gestational diabetes during previous pregnancies.

It is important that women diagnosed with gestational diabetes understand the implications for their pregnancy, as it has been shown that optimal management and good control of the blood sugar levels during pregnancy leads to better outcomes for both mother and child.  A consultation with a fully qualified diabetic educator is very useful, and a consultation can be arranged directly within Dr Law’s Practice at Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  An appointment with a dietitian is also useful, and this is also available on site at Dr Law’s Practice.

Although many women with pre-existing type 1 or type 2 diabetes will already be very familiar with their condition, it is useful for diabetic women planning a pregnancy to consult with Dr Law and their endocrinologist prior to conception, so that optimal outcomes can be achieved during conception, pregnancy and delivery.