
Dr Ken Law
6:39 am

Nursery Decorating Tips

3 Tips for Decorating Your Nursery First and foremost, your nursery should provide your baby with a safe and relaxing environment. But once that’s taken care of, there’s no reason not to add a touch of your personal style to the room as well! After all, you will be spending a lot of time here. Here are three things to think about before you go out and buy any items for your nursery. 1. Choose Your Theme Will your nursery be ultra-modern or chic traditional? Before you even begin perusing furniture catalogues, you need to have a concept – even just a vague concept – in mind. This will help you create a consistent look in your nursery as well as saving you time in looking through items that simply don’t match your overall theme. 2. Choose Your Scheme Your colour scheme, that is. Gone are the days of uniform blue for boys and plain pink for girls. You can certainly choose a base colour with gender in mind, but a contemporary nursery should portray a whole palette of hues. To ensure the room is a peaceful space for your child, stick to neutral and/or calming colours. White and cream are always great back-up options, and you can rarely go wrong with pastels. 3. Get Inspired Not sure where to start? Jump online and get some inspiration from websites like Pinterest and Etsy. There are countless websites you can browse to get ideas for both overall nursery themes and individual furniture items. Don’t be afraid to take any concepts you find and adapt them to suit your personal tastes! With some pre-planning and a firm vision for your new baby’s first bedroom, you will be able to create a nursery that helps your bub sleep and also gets compliments from guests. Dr Ken Law is a Brisbane Obstetrician specialising in the management of pregnancy and delivery.  For more information and to discuss your specific situation, please contact Dr Ken Law to arrange a consultation at Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Pregnancy Diary

Now you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy – have you considered keeping a diary? Even women who have never kept a journal – or haven’t used one since their school days – should consider writing a diary during their pregnancy. Whether you take out the old-fashioned notebook and pen or decide to go digital with your pre-childbirth thoughts and experiences, writing in a pregnancy diary is a wonderful idea. Why keep a pregnancy diary? The nine months of your pregnancy will be unlike any other period of your life, and tracking this time will help you re-live the magical moments (and the not-so-magical moments!) in the future. Not only can keeping a pregnancy diary be a fulfilling experience for you, but it can also help you gain rich insights into yourself. You might find your pregnancy reveals aspects of your personality you would otherwise never discover. How to keep a pregnancy diary The first thing you need to understand is that there is no ‘correct’ way to keep a pregnancy diary. If the way you approach it helps you get through the tough times and reflect on the process, you’ve already achieved the primary goal. Expecting mothers sometimes get hung up on what they’re ‘supposed’ to write about. Don’t let this bother you. Simply channel your raw thoughts, feelings, and experiences into the words that come naturally to you. If you’re a perfectionist who needs everything to sound right, you can always go over it and edit after writing! As with keeping any kind of journal, the hardest part is often remembering to keep it updated. The best way to solve this might be to set aside a pre-planned, specific time of every day (or second day) for writing. Obviously your pregnancy diary won’t always be your top priority, but it’s important that you value this allocated time in order to get the most out of it. For professional assistance with any aspect of your pregnancy, please contact our clinic. Dr Ken Law is a Brisbane Obstetrician specialising in the management of pregnancy and delivery.  For more information and […]

Loneliness As A New Mum

Having your first baby marks an exciting new phase of your life. However, being a new mum isn’t always the wonderful experience you might imagine it to be. In particular, a newborn inevitably leads you to sacrificing some of the quality time you previously spent with friends and family. While bonding with baby is certainly special and essential, the disconnect from the outside world can leave you feeling isolated. Here are some ideas for coping with loneliness as a new mum. Join a mums group, make new friends You’re never alone as a new mummy. Set up some catch-ups with friends who have also become parents recently or consider giving a mothers’ group a go. Spending time with other women who are in the same situation as you can be immensely helpful and make a big difference to your feelings of loneliness. Start a new hobby or course for you or bub if time permits! Whilst having a new baby can be time consuming as well as exhausting it is important to try and do something for yourself. If you are feeling like you need company then consider start a new hobby or short course if time permits – even if it is for an hour a week to get you out and meeting other people. If you aren’t able to then create a new hobby for bub that means you meet people too such as a Gymboree class or swimming classes when old enough. You’ll potentially meet mums with children the same age and keep bub active at the same time which can be a great way to get some vital interpersonal interaction into your routine! Don’t hesitate to ask for help Sometimes prolonged feelings of isolation after becoming a mum can be a sign of postnatal depression. If you experience extended or intense feelings of sadness after welcoming your new child into the world, don’t be afraid to seek help from your doctor or a counsellor. Our clinic specialises in assisting women during and after pregnancy. For advice about coping with anything – including loneliness after giving birth […]

Obstetrician Looking After Your Pregnancy

Let’s face it: pregnancy is no walk in the park. It’s challenging at times, there are lots of frustrating moments, and – of course – there’s the pain. An expecting mother really needs a support network of friends and family during this tough period, but these aren’t the only people who can help. A trusted obstetrician is an invaluable professional to have on your side before, during, and after your childbirth. Here’s a look at how an obstetrician can help you. During The Pregnancy With their specialised skills, obstetricians are perfectly positioned to monitor a pregnant woman’s health and wellbeing, as well as that of her growing baby, with the help of ultrasounds and other tests. They can check for specific problems and conditions while also offering general advice for maintaining your health as your body changes. Perhaps most importantly, an obstetrician is a knowledgeable yet friendly face whose guidance and support prepares you physically and emotionally for delivering your baby. During Labour During the big day (or days), your obstetrician will work closely with your dedicated team of midwives. The obstetrician monitors the progress of your labour, and checks on the well-being of the baby throughout your labour.  The obstetrician will guide you through the labour, and delivers your baby when the moment arrives. After Pregnancy and Labour Your obstetrician plays a vital role in ensuring your good health and recovery after the birth. Your OB will check on your postnatal recovery, and make sure you are well after your discharge from hospital. If you need a Brisbane obstetrician to offer professional services and compassionate care throughout your pregnancy, look no further. Dr Ken Law, our experienced Greenslopes maternity OB, has assisted many Brisbane women through their trimesters. He and the rest of our supportive team look forward to making your pregnancy as comfortable and pleasant as it possibly can be. Contact us to make your first appointment today. Dr Ken Law is a Brisbane Obstetrician specialising in the management of pregnancy and delivery.  For more information and to discuss your specific situation, please contact Dr Ken Law to arrange […]

Choosing An Obstetrician

Are you looking for a Brisbane obstetrician you can trust and rely on to help you through your pregnancy? Making the selection can be tricky, but it’s important for your health and the well-being of your baby to make a good choice. Our last post talked about how an Obstetrician can help you during the birth of your baby.  Today’s post follows on from that and talks more about how to work out which obstetrician is right for you. Expertise If you have any conditions or illnesses that could complicate your pregnancy, you should seek out an obstetrician who has experience in treating and working with patients who have the same or similar issues. This way, any complications that arise won’t be new territory for your OB.   The Whole Team Each visit you have with your obstetrician should be a supportive experience from beginning to end. This means the environment of their practice and the attitude of their staff need to make you feel comfortable. Your ideal obstetrician will have a caring and compassionate team to help them help you. Experience and Professionalism Your obstetrician’s ability to support you properly throughout your pregnancy depends heavily on his or her experience. A professional with years of practice will have the confidence and expertise to help you navigate the tricky times that lay before you. You also want to find an obstetrician who knows how to balance friendliness and honesty with professionalism. The right physician for you will know how to reassure and support you while also thoroughly preparing you for your journey – and they won’t cut any corners during your procedures and check-ups. Communication and Intuition Getting along with your obstetrician is hugely important. If communication is lacking or your gut tells you a doctor isn’t the right match for you, it could be a great idea to look around for other options. If you’re looking for a practice that checks all these boxes, you can trust us to deliver. Our Greenslopes maternity obstetrician, Dr Ken Law, is a specialist in this area with over a decade of experience […]

Pregnancy Cravings

The Science Behind Pregnancy Cravings From peanut butter and chocolate to strangely specific salads, cravings are a well-known phenomenon of pregnancy – more than half of expecting mothers experience them to some extent. But why do they occur? Here’s a quick look at some of the science behind these odd appetite swings. Different Trimesters, Different Tastes Some studies have revealed that women can experience a heightened sense of taste in regards to certain types of food during different stages of their pregnancies. For example, in your first few months, you might be constantly craving sugary treats. Then, in your second or third trimester, you might develop a taste for salty snacks. Stress and Tiredness Cravings may not always be a direct result of your growing baby. Pregnancy typically comes with more stress and less sleep than you might usually experience. When life gets tougher or circumstances feel overwhelming, it makes perfect sense for our bodies to call out for foods that make us feel better. Deficiencies Some theories suggest that a pregnant woman’s cravings can reveal the nutrients or vitamins she is currently lacking, thus naturally guiding her towards the foods that she and her baby need to be stronger. While there isn’t a great deal of proof behind this concept, is does seem somewhat logical. If you’re pregnant or planning to be soon, food cravings are just one of the many changes to prepare yourself for. Get in touch with our clinic today to book a consultation; we can talk through everything with you to help your pregnancy go as smoothly as possible. Dr Ken Law is a Brisbane Obstetrician specialising in the management of pregnancy and delivery.  For more information and to discuss your specific situation, please contact Dr Ken Law to arrange a consultation at Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Things To Tell Your Obstetrician

4 Things your Obstetrician Needs to Know Having a trusted obstetrician by your side can make all the difference to your pregnancy. But, as with your regular doctor, your OB’s ability to assist you relies on how openly and honestly you communicate with them. Here’s an overview of the topics you should never hesitate to bring up with your obstetrician. 1. Your Medical History It’s important for your OB to have an accurate and comprehensive picture of your past. Conditions that no longer affect you or procedures you underwent years ago might not seem relevant to your pregnancy, but you may not be aware of complications that might arise due to such things. It’s better to over-share with your obstetrician and let him/her determine what is or isn’t significant.   2. Your Pregnancy Milestones As you reach milestones within your pregnancy, such as crossing into your second trimester or feeling the first kick, it’s great to keep your obstetrician in the loop. Make sure to book and keep to all your important routine check-ups – but don’t hesitate to reschedule an appointment if something occurs earlier than expected. 3. Any Odd Occurrences If something unexpected happens – no matter how trivial it might seem – be sure to contact your obstetrician. Even if the only outcome is finding out what you’ve experienced is perfectly normal, at least this will give you peace of mind. And if it really is something out of the ordinary, the sooner your OB can investigate, the better. 4. Your Mental Well-being Pregnancy can be a taxing and tumultuous time for any woman. If the stress takes a serious toll on your emotional well-being, be sure to speak to your OB (as well as your GP). They may recommend creating a mental health plan to help you. In some cases, simply discussing your concerns with your trusted doctor can be enough to lift some of that weight off your shoulders. For more information about what you should speak to your obstetrician about, simply get in touch with us on 1300 464 464 or through our contact page. […]

3 Things To Do When Trying To Get Pregnant

  • Fertility Specialist

For some women, pregnancy seems to miraculously occur within weeks of making the decision to have a baby – or even without deciding at all! For others, however, it may not be quite so easy. If you’re trying to fall pregnant and need some ideas to speed things along, here are some tips to consider. 1. Book A Pre-Conception Consultation An appointment with an obstetrics and gynaecology clinic like ours can be an important first step towards successfully conceiving. This pre-conception consultation will allow you to find out how ready your body is to bear a baby. It is important to check that your immunisations are up-to-date, and if you are not immune to Rubella (German measles), vaccination prior to pregnancy is advised.  Folic acid supplementation prior to conception is also important to prevent neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida). You’ll also be able to discuss what steps you can take to increase your odds of falling pregnant. Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology offers infertility investigations as well, so you can determine if there may be anything with you or your partner that might be a barrier to getting pregnant the traditional way.   2. Schedule Your Conception Track your ovulation as accurately as you can when trying to fall pregnant. Once you’ve worked out a general pattern, you can schedule your attempts at conception to coincide with your most fertile time periods: typically the day of your ovulation and the three days prior. However, making love based on a timetable may not be so romantic, and may add stress to the relationship whilst trying to conceive.  Furthermore, it is sometimes not possible to accurately track ovulation.  So the best advice is to have regular unprotected intercourse in trying to conceive naturally. 3. Strengthen Your Partner’s Sperm It takes two to tango, and it definitely takes two to create a baby. There are a number of things your man can do to give his sperm an extra edge. Lifestyle changes your partner can make to help things along include: Reducing alcohol intake Cutting back on (or preferably quitting) cigarettes Boosting his […]

The Fourth Trimester

Your Baby’s Health In The First Three Months The first three months after giving birth are sometimes referred to as the ‘4th trimester’ due to this phase being just as difficult as being heavily pregnant (if not more so!). While it’s important to look after yourself emotionally and physically during this time, it’s also vital to be acutely aware of your newborn’s health and development. Keeping Your Appointments Never skip any /postnatal appointments with your GP or Paediatrician. Any scheduled consultations are important as they allow your trusted medical practitioner to oversee the growth and well-being of your baby. Recognising Positive Milestones Within these three months, there are a number of behaviours you can anticipate from your baby. These typically include: Smiling and laughing out loud (sometimes slightly after the three-month mark) Looking at your face when you talk to him/her Free movement of arms and legs Feeding well Reacting to notable sounds. Watching Out For Warning Signs Newborns can’t tell you something is wrong, but they will communicate problems in other ways. Signals that could indicate a health issue can include: Unusually high-pitched crying Never calming down when you pick him/her up Stiffness (particularly in the back and neck) One limb being weaker or more floppy than the other Often maintaining a tight fist Crying for longer than normal or more frequently than other babies. If you notice a sign such as the ones above, consider making an urgent appointment with your doctor to address your concerns and investigate further. One of the great things about attending a caring clinic like Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology during your pregnancy is that we go above and beyond to provide you with as much information as possible – including the milestones and signs to identify during your baby’s first months out of the womb. Book a consultation with us today by phoning 1300 464 464 or contacting us through our website. As mentioned, the best first step you can take is having an appointment with an experienced OB/GYN. Please contact us to book your consultation or simply call us on 1300 464 464 to discuss your […]

Keeping Fit While Pregnant

Great Activities for Soon-to-Be Mums As your pregnancy progresses, it could get more difficult to motivate yourself to exercise. Of course, the exercise itself will become harder too as the weight of your baby increases! Fortunately, there are a number of activities that are well-suited to mums-to-be. Here are a couple you could try if you’re committed to keeping fit while you’re expecting. Swimming As your body gets heavier than usual, exercising in the water – where your body naturally feels lighter – is a great idea. Try a water aerobics group class so you can socialise while staying fit. Walking and Running Even a gentle 30-minute walk can do wonders for your health, though a brisk jog would be ideal. The great thing about walking or running is that it can be done just about anywhere and anytime, making it the perfect option for pregnant women with busy schedules. Pilates and Yoga Pilates and yoga are very popular amongst pregnant women for good reason; either can be a great way for you to work on your flexibility, core strength, and general well-being in a supportive group setting. Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology has a great Pregnancy Strength and Movement Class which is run by an instructor who is experienced in exercises during pregnancy. Find out more details here. Generally, there aren’t too many exercises or sports that can’t be participated in while you’re expecting, so don’t assume your weekly exercise has to stop until your baby arrives. As long as your chosen activity doesn’t pose any risks, such as falling or hitting your baby bump, it should be fine. If your favourite sport is physically strenuous, just aim to take it a little bit easier than usual! Dr Ken Law is a Brisbane Obstetrician specialising in the management of pregnancy and delivery.  The above article is for general information only, and you should consult your obstetrician for specific personal advice.  For more information and to discuss your specific situation, please contact Dr Ken Law to arrange a consultation at Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology