useful things once baby is born

Dr Ken Law
8:31 pm

Travelling With a Baby Over Christmas

Travelling over the holidays can be stressful, but it can prove even more difficult with a baby. Here are some tips to help you have a stress-free Christmas holiday:  Be prepared Whether you are flying or doing a road trip to see family interstate, make a list in advance of everything you generally use on a daily basis and pack everything ready. Make sure you leave a well packed nappy bag out for inside the car or on the flight with nappies, change of clothes, pre-filled water bottles (if using formula and flying – the airlines should allow you to take it on board – check with your airline), emergency dummy, snacks and food if bub is on solids, baby toys, wipes, and muslin cloths to name a few things.  Invest in a cheap pushchair If flying a lot of parents often put their main pram/stroller on with cases and then buy a cheap foldable pushchair (around $25 in shops such as Target) to push bub around whilst in the airport and getting to the airport lounge (depending on age of your baby). Some airlines even have them on hand for you to use theirs. One less thing to worry about.  Travel as light as possible With smart thinking you can reduce the amount of things you need for a trip. For example check with the hotel you are staying at whether they have bassinets or portacots available as that could be one less thing you need to worry about when travelling – don’t forget sheets though. If flying check with your airline whether you can book a bassinet/cot for your baby. Be mindful that with some airlines depending on the number of babies and their ages you may not always get an allocation.   Safety Checks If going on a road trip a first aid kit is handy as is taking some baby Panadol with you just in case of a fever on the way*. Check your baby’s car seat is fitted properly, and consider window shades to ensure your baby doesn’t get exposed to too much sun. *always […]

5 Things to Have on Hand for After You Give Birth

When pregnant, people seem to come out of the woodwork to give you their advice on everything ‘baby’ in their experience, and whilst it’s great to have that advice – sometimes the simple stuff is the most helpful. In this blog post I wanted to share 5 simple things to have on hand ready for when you give birth. Breast pads Once your milk comes in, you may find that you aren’t able to control your milk supply and you get excess milk leaking from your nipples. Some women get very heavy leaking which means it can make leaving the house difficult.  Breast pads  are great to help with this, and you can buy reusable or disposable pads that fit inside the bra and absorb the excess milk. Maternity pads After you give birth you will find that you experience some bleeding from your uterus (lochia). This will last for a few weeks and can sometimes be heavy like a period, so make sure you pack some maternity pads in your hospital bag. Maternity pads are preferable to normal sanitary pads as they are softer, longer and thicker. Muslin cloths When babies are born they like to feel like they are still in the womb so a great way to comfort them and create the same experience for them is to swaddle them. Muslin cloths are great for this as they are light and fairly flexible. They are also great for when your baby is a bit older and you are out and about and want something to put over their pram when out and about. Big undies Bridget Jones eat your heart out! Big undies are highly recommended after you give birth as they are comfortable and if you have had a C-Section they come up higher than where your wound is likely to be. Comfort is the order of the day! Nipple cream Breast feeding can be tough especially when your baby is first born and learning to latch on, and often your nipples will become very sore. I definitely recommend buying some nipple cream such as Lansinoh which […]

Nappy Bags Demystified

  • nappy bag

One of the essentials on a new mum’s shopping list is a nappy bag. Nappy bags are literally a bag that you can put all your baby’s necessities in when you go out and about. Some mums and dads choose to simple use a rucksack, whereas many like to have a dedicated nappy bag that they buy ready for when their baby arrives. What kinds of things do mums and dads traditionally put in a nappy bag? Nappy bags can be used to put nappies (of course) in as well as a whole host of things you need for your baby such as: A change of clothes Bottles (if you need them with expressed milk or formula) – some nappy bags come with an insulated pocket Change mat – some nappy bags do come with a portable change mat Dummies if you are using one Toys and activities as your baby gets older and gets bored easily Wipes Muslin cloth Bibs Water free hand wipe for when you are in places where there are no taps Cutlery Snacks Emergency medical information How much should I spend on a nappy bag? There are lots of places to buy nappy bags, and you can pay hundreds of dollars for them if you really want to, but if your budget doesn’t stretch to that, many shops such as Target and Big W also sell them at very affordable prices. It comes down to whether you want a practical or a fashionable looking bag essentially. Things to look out for when choosing your nappy bag Plenty of pockets and useful compartments Insulated bottle pocket Washable clear plastic compartment/removable bag – can be good for those unforeseen ‘accidents’ As washable fabric as possible Change mat Miscellaneous extras such as a dummy holder, wipes pocket

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